Reset to defaults

Chris DavisSetup

Sometimes you play with settings enough on your Altairduino that you forget what you've done and you can't connect! You may need to simply return to the default settings. It's very easy.

Terminal software (Putty is highly recommended.)
  1. On your laptop or computer, launch your terminal software. Before you connect your Altairduino to the computer, hold up the RESET toggle.
  2. Important: Keep the RESET toggle help up while you connect to the Altairduino with your terminal software.
  3. The front panel lights will flash briefly while it connects.
  4. Once connected you can release the RESET toggle.
  5. Now you have temporarily returned to the default settings. If you would like to save them (I suggest you do) you can go to the configuration menu (raise STOP and AUX1) and save as config #0.
  6. Now that you're connected to the Altair-Duino, I'd suggest setting it up so you can Easily Switch Between Serial Devices.